2018年第八届药学国际暑期学校 (美国)






D1:走进硅谷 D2:牵手共学 D3:硅谷创业 D4:兴趣无限

D5:脚踏实地 D6:严谨治学 D7:激发潜能 D8:展示自我

D9:志存高远 D10:学员问卷





  • 全国高校或研究机构药学、化学、生命科学等相关专业在校注册研究生;本科生需为大学二级或大学三年级
  • 英语水平良好,全国大学英语六级成绩≥500分,口语流利
  • 学习成绩优秀,对药学或生物学有浓厚的兴趣,并有志于相关专业领域深造,有较强的或潜在的研究能力
  • 身体健康,在校期间无违纪表现或未受过处分




  • 申请表(需加盖学校或学院的章);点此下载
  • 英语六级成绩单或其他英语考试成绩证明(复印件):如托福,雅思,中、高级口译证书等
  • 发表论文、与科研相关的获奖证书复印件;
  • 学生证、身份证复印件。




The 8th International Summer Academy of Pharmacy

The International Summer Academy of Pharmacy(ISAP) is jointly organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Santa Clara University and JOINN Hi-Tech Park with excellent themes on Traditional Chinese Medicines, and Biotechnology& Medical Device, respectively.

The 2018 ISAP, aims at drug discovery, bioengineering and medical device, will be held at Santa Clara University, California, USA. The 2018 ISAP invites academic scientists, industrial entrepreneurs and venture capitalists to introduce the latest biotechnology research, development of medical diagnostic and therapeutic devices, and practice of venture capitals.

Duration and Venue

Duration: August 6-20, 2018
Venue: Santa Clara University, California, USA 


The 2018 ISAP will provide courses covering a range of topics in professional lecture, on-the-spot investigation, academic imagination and cultural visits.

HousingIssue and ProgramFees

The ISAP will accommodate all participants with student apartments. Student apartments include linen and meals. The ISAP will charge 12000 RMB as program fees, including house rent, meals, lectures, workshops, and study tours. All students are expected to be responsible for their international or domestic travel expenses, such as air and/or train tickets, as well as medical and/or life insurances.

Application Requirement

The ISAP opens to domestic and foreign postgraduate and undergraduate students from the universities and institutes. The 2018 ISAP is anticipating to recruit 30-40 students, half of them are expected to be international students. All applicants will need to meet the following qualifications.

  • Postgraduate students majoring in pharmacy, chemistry and life science
  • Sophomore and junior undergraduate students
  • Students with excellent English ability
  • CET-6 score higher than 500
  • Healthy and in good standingat school

Application Procedure

All applicants are required to fill out the application form and submit it with a copy of CV electronically to xurong@sjtu.edu.cn before May 15, 2018.Applicants will be evaluated according to their educational background, academic status and relevant skills. Eligible candidates will be informed.

Application materials

  • Application form with seal of School or University   Application form
  • Copy of certificate of CET-6 or documents indicating English levels
  • Copy of published academic paper and certificate of awards
  • Copy of school ID card


Ms. Rong Xu

International Summer Academy of Pharmacy (ISAP)

School of Pharmacy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Tel: 86-21-34204462

Email: xurong@sjtu.edu.cn




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